Inicio de operaciones: 30 de marzo 2025 / Nuevo Aeropuerto Jorge Chávez

Commercial areas

In the future it is expected to create an airport city, the first in the South American region. With an area close to 150 hectares, this city will have areas that will offer various services that complement the value proposition of the terminal and that will also be connected to the port activity in Callao.

Lima has the potential to create a logistics complex that increases the competitiveness of companies through lower costs. For this, it will be key to improve connectivity between the airport and the port of Callao. In this sense, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) plays an important role in promoting the development of this complex.

Airport City has 4 commercial areas located in different spaces:

  • A Zone: Logistics center, free zone, fuel plant.
  • B Zone: Commercial area (hotels, offices, others), loading areas, cultural uses, transportation.
  • C Zone: Commercial use and airport services.
  • D Zone: Logistics Park and reserve of airport activities

After 2025 there are development plans for the future growth of the large airport that Lima will have with two runways, a control tower and a single terminal. The airport will continue to grow in size and infrastructure to meet the needs of more passengers.

In 2025, the “Airport City” will also be complemented with commercial areas, which will accomodate in a first stage: a 4-star hotel, an office building and parking lots, an airport building that complements the activity of the passenger terminal, as well as customs warehouses, transfer center and a fuel plant. In addition, there are future projects for the construction of a logistics center for cargo operations.

An airport in 2025 at the forefront of technology

  • New detection system. Includes video content analysis and detection sensors around the entire airport perimeter.
  • Control of the entry of external vehicles. Movement and dwell time will be controlled and monitored. By reading the license plate, the system will generate an alert if it detects any problem, coordinated with the police.
  • “Wi-Fi for all”. It will have an infrastructure to provide wireless access to all passengers.
  • Operations Control Center (CCO). The resources and operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Airport will be managed and monitored in real time.
  • BodyScanner 360. A system where the passenger will position himself (without being checked by a person) that will detect hidden metallic and non-metallic objects.
  • Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning System. The installation of sensors (accelerometers) in the terminal and permanent communication with the Civil Defense Institute (INDECI).
  • Smart Airport Infrastructure. Centralized control system of the different airport buildings to turn them into true “smart buildings”. This platform will allow the airport to control and manage, through a single system, variables as diverse as: lighting, alarms, climate, energy, security, among others. Also, the system provides the energy information required by the organization to identify possible sources of improvement and thus recover energy costs through the efficient use of resources.
  • Self-Check-In. Entering the ID number and the reservation confirmation code will be enough. In some cases, the passenger will also be able to choose the seat where they would like to travel, otherwise it will be chosen automatically. Finally, the self-service totem will issue the boarding pass to be able board the plane.
  • Self Bag Drop. Passengers will be able to weigh, label and leave luggage that goes to the hold. Each passenger will take a copy of the label with them for subsequent baggage claim at the final destination. This process can be carried out by the same passenger and without the help of the airline, saving time. There will be machines located at check-in for this service. There will also be the traditional service.